Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a FANTASTIC resource for learning math and science. You can visit the site by clicking on this link. I've used it in my own classroom as a different tool for my students to experience. I like the videos because I find them to be clear and concise.

Step 1: Sign up

Step 2: Check your email to finish signing up

Step 3: Select a topic to discover (since I'll be teaching area of triangles this week, I selected that as my topic) There are several videos you can watch on the topic. 

Step 4: After watching the videos, practice the skill. You can utilize the sketchpad to work out the problem. They also offer hints for working it out as well as the opportunity for you to check your final answer. 
Step 5: After checking your answer, you have the option to have them show you step by step how to solve the problem. 

Step 6: You can earn points for completing activities on the site.

Step 7: You can practice for Test Prep for different types of tests.

There are plenty more attributes to this website, we will feature those another time! For now, enjoy searching for videos and encouraging your students to sign up at home to have extra practice. Please take time to review this site if you are a math and science teacher as it is FULL of wonderful resources! 

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